When you’re attempting to build up the ranking and popularity of your website, it’s all about the Google Places Optimization tactics you’re implementing. Whether you’re going with paid advertising, organic methods, or a mixture of the two, proper Google Places Optimization is what’s going to ultimately earn you a high-ranking site. Without a site that’s ranked well in its respective niche, you’re most likely not going to receive enough traffic to survive in a competitive market.this article to learn how you can get started quick and effective Google Places Optimization.
Google Places Optimization – SEO Tactics
The code of your website (the HTML) needs to be clean, neat and tidy if you want it to be scanned well by the bots! This point is highly emphasized because a lot of start-up web designers do not check that their code is clean. They simply pack things in via a drag-and-drop menu, only occasionally tweaking the actual code. This is a very bad way to go. You need to get in there and clean up your code, making it very neat and fluid if you want the robots to scan it properly.
When you’re tinkering around with the code to clean it up, you should also use this opportunity to add certain keywords inside of your title and header tags. This is something that’s ridiculously easy to do, even if you are a rookie with HTML. The main thing to focus on is that you actually close the end of your tags. Copy and paste your code into a Word doc or Notepad beforehand, save a copy of the code just in case you mess up, and take your time adding the right tags in the main copy.
One of the most underrated ways to build up your site’s rankings is to have a good internal linking structure. For instance, you want to use keywords and links on your homepage to redirect readers to other pages of your site, and vice versa. However, these links have to be clean. They cannot negatively affect the flow of your site’s navigation, and they cannot be jumbled up inside of your HTML. Take your time and create a clean linking structure.
Google Places Optimization – Image Optimizing
Adding related images to your website is great for eye appeal. Users visiting your site will appreciate good-looking, relevant pictures. But search engine bots appreciate different captions and tags inside of your HTML. To do this, simply open up your page, view the HTML, find the photo tags, and add in different keywords and captions. These will not show on the photo itself; instead, they will be robot fodder for the bots crawling over your content to rank it.
Despite the explosion of smaller, more personal social sites on today’s web, content is still king, and all content should still contain a lot of relevant keywords. Just make sure to perform keyword research before posting any content. List your keywords in the proper context and near the top of the content, in the first few sentences, in the headers, etc. This small measure will improve your rankings.
Google Places Optimization is still the best way to go if you want to improve your rankings. Use the methods listed above and you can ensure that your site ranks well in its niche.