The engine Marketing SEM search (Search engine marketing) is the set of marketing activities to achieve certain objectives in the search engines (Search engine: search engines), both by improving the visibility of a website among the results of organic positioning, both the purchase of sponsored links or the mixture of both strategies or other campaign-related advertising and pay per click circuits.
Search Engine Marketing Explained
The Search engine marketing is a set of methodologies aimed at improving the ranking of a site in the pages of the search engines or, in any case to improve accessibility through search engines.
The SEM (Search engine marketing) also refers to the profession and work undertaken by consultants Search Engine Marketing optimization projects have websites of their clients in order to improve the number of visits and outcomes or the planning of campaigns advertising based on keywords.
The objective of search engine marketing Search engine marketing are:
- Increased visits to obtain:
- Increase the skills of the users of a particular website
- Increased contacts.
- Increased sales.
- Search and investigation of new potential customers.
- Growth of the mark.
- Strengthened brand or website.
Why is Google Online Advertising a MUST for your business?
Searching for a business in Google is now more common than using the Yellow Pages. With more and more people using search engines to find products and services – you can’t afford to miss out on Google exposure with Easy Search Advertising.
Google generates over 6 million searches every month – that’s exposure to potential customers that your business needs.
“What is Google Online Advertising?”
Google Online Advertising involves promoting your business on Google using their sponsored listings (search engine advertising). Google is the world’s largest and most used search engine and is now the preferred online advertising choice for businesses of all sizes.
Google search engine advertising ensures your business features in the prime view on Google – right at the TOP of the search results in front of potential customers!
In Internet Marketing, Search Advertising is a method of placing online advertisements on Web pages that show results from search engine queries. Through the same search-engine advertising services, ads can also be placed on Web pages with other published.
Search advertisements are targeted to match key search terms (called keywords) entered on search engines. This targeting ability has contributed to the attractiveness of search advertising for advertisers. Consumers will often use a search engine to identify and compare purchasing options immediately before making a purchasing decision. The opportunity to present consumers with advertisements tailored to their immediate buying interests encourages consumers to click on search ads instead of unpaid search results, which are often less relevant. Unpaid search results are also called organic results.
Search Engine Marketing: Search Advertising Metrics
Search advertising activities can be measured in five ways:
CPM: Cost per thousand viewers was the original method used for pricing online advertisements. CPM remains the most common method for pricing banner ads.
CTR: Click-through rates measure the number of times an ad is clicked as a percentage of views of the Web page on which the ad appears. Banner ads have CTRs that are generally 0.5 percent or less. In comparison, individual search engine ads can have CTRs of 10 percent, even though they appear alongside organic search results and competing paid search advertisements.
CPA: Cost per action quantifies costs for completing specified activities such as attracting a new customer or making a sale. Affiliate networks operate on a CPA basis. CPA systems function most effectively when sales cycles are short and easily tracked. Longer sales cycles rely on exposure to multiple types of ads to create brand awareness and purchasing interest before a sale is made. Longer sales cycles and sales requiring multiple customer contacts can be difficult to track, leading to a reluctance by publishers to participate in CPA programs beyond initial lead generation.
CPC: Cost per click tracks the cost of interacting with a client or potential client. In traditional marketing, CPC is viewed as a one-way process of reaching target audiences through means such as direct mail, radio ads and television ads. Search advertising provides opportunities for two-way contacts through web-based chat, Internet-based calls, call-back requests or mailing list signups.
TM: Total minutes is a metric being used by Nielsen/NetRatings to measure total time spent on a Web page rather than the number of Web page views. On July 10, 2007, Nielsen announced that they would be relying on TM as their primary metric for measuring Web page popularity, due to changes in the way Web pages provide content through audio and video streaming and by refreshing the same page without totally reloading it. Page refreshes are one aspect of Rich Internet Applications (RIA). RIA technologies include AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and Microsoft Silverlight.